Friday, September 30, 2011

Critical Condition by Ebony Stroman

LIFE. . . . .

This is the story of Sade Campbell who has been in prison for 25 years and Becky Gallagher is someone who wants to know the story behind Sade. Becky could not understand why Sade would turn down a million dollar offer for her story to a major publisher but approve a 10,000 advance offer from a fairly new and small publisher. The book is published and the story is told and Becky nearly breaks down the doors at the bookstore to get the book and know the real story.

The Saga Begins. . . . . . . .

Sade is sixteen years old when her mother dies in a car accident. Sade’s father is a police captain. Sade avoided staying at home and stayed at her best friend Chantel’s house as many weekends as possible. Sade finally makes a decision to leave home with the intent not to return. This is where she runs into Juanita and Polo.

Polo is a want to be pimp and Juanita, his supposedly bottom chick. These two are up to no good but Sade goes along with them to keep from being caught by the police dept. that is looking for her. But how did Sade end up in jail? What happened or didn’t happen? Does her father ever find her?

The story was okay but there were also issues. There were grammatical errors that should have been caught by the editor such as missing and misspelled words. Also there were points in the story that just a little farfetched.

Review by Ebonypeach1

3 Stars

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